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Why it is important

Sitia Geopark is located in the eastern part of Crete. It includes the wider area of Sitia, as well as all the coastal areas from north to south. The boundaries of the Park are clearly delineated and embrace the entire municipality of Sitia, covering a total area of 713.5 km2.The Geopark is characterised by a wide variety of elements of the abiotic and biotic environment and is a unique geotourism destination.

Eastern Crete and especially the area of Sitia is one of the most important and special environmental areas of Crete. Its geographical position at the eastern end of the island, which allowed the exchange of species from Asia Minor, combined with the area’s intensely dry and hot climate, has created a mosaic of habitats and ecosystems, some of which, such as the palm forest of Vai, are unique to the Mediterranean region. Rare species of flora and fauna unique to Crete can be found throughout the park.

Sitia Geopark is characterized by a very rich geo-heritage which includes impressive rocks, special formations and geomorphs, characteristic tectonic and micro-tectonic structures, as well as a wealth of fossils.

The oldest fossils have been found in the area of Palaikastro and consist of plant remains of the Stone Age (~300 million years old). The Miocene age in the park area is represented by one of the most impressive and important fossils, the dinotherium proavum, a species related to the elephant. The Pleistocene epoch is represented by very important mammal fossils that are now found in many, mainly coastal locations. Deer (Candiacervus cretensis), Hippopotamus creutzburgi, Elephas antiquus.

Sitia Geopark offers numerous activities that cover a wide range of preferences, from those who simply wish to relax in a traditional and unique part of Crete to the most demanding ones who seek adventure. Alternative tourism finds its definition in Sitia Geopark.