Sitia Geopark is located in the eastern part of Crete. It includes the wider area of Sitia, as well as all the coastal areas from north to south. The boundaries of the Park are clearly delineated and embrace the entire municipality of Sitia, covering a total area of 713.5 km2.The Geopark is characterised by a wide variety of elements of the abiotic and biotic environment and is a unique geotourism destination.
Sitia Geopark is located in the eastern part of Crete. It includes the wider area of Sitia, as well as all the coastal areas from north to south. The boundaries of the Park are clearly delineated and embrace the entire municipality of Sitia, covering a total area of 713.5 km2.The Geopark is characterised by a wide variety of elements of the abiotic and biotic environment and is a unique geotourism destination.
The caves are protected as geological formations and as archaeological sites (if they have antiquities) by the Ministry of Culture and the competent Ephorates of Paleoanthropology and Speleology. Caves are also protected under Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. Habitat 8310: ‘Caves not used for tourism’: ‘Caves not open to the public, including their water bodies and streams, which are home to specialised or highly endemic species or which are of paramount importance for the conservation of Annex II species (e.g. bats, amphibians)’.